Thursday, November 28, 2019

More Unity Free Tutorials

Image from here

This week I specifically looked for tutorials on coding characters to move and interact in Unity as well as coding the game camera to follow the character as these are the two things in my game that I am having the most trouble with.

 The first video I found details how to code a character to move and attack. I learned that in order to have my character to move you have use code and animation. I hope that by following this tutorial I can get both my main character and the enemies walking around the map and attacking each other.

The second video I found showed how to make the enemies in the game drop items when they are killed.

This video goes into a lot more detail with the loot drops than I really need in my game like how much loot to drop and stuff like that however I plan to follow along with the code that was used to make the enemies drop the loot in the first place and not worry about the other stuff.

Hopefully these tutorials will help my with finishing up my game.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Casper!

    Wow your game sounds and looks incredible! Congratulations. How did you get it to look so professional? Did you find it hard making the game ?

    Hope you can complete your game the way you want it good luck!

    Well done
    Jen :)
