Thursday, November 14, 2019

My First Game Design: Free Unity Tutorials

Image from Here

This week instead of having more Unity tutorials from Jimmy Vegas we had to go and find 2-4 of our own tutorials to follow.

The first tutorial I watched was a tutorial on how to create a third person camera in Unity, when the character is standing still the mouse moves the camera around the character and when the character is moving whichever way the camera is facing then the character will move that way. I chose this tutorial because I plan to have a third person camera in my own game.

Creating the camera movements is mostly C# scripting to keep the cameras distance from the character the same wherever it moves and the make sure that the camera doesn't merely tumble over the characters head when it's moved and other stuff like that.

The next video tutorial I found was actually a series of videos on creating monster AI which is another thing that I will need to know how to do for my game as the main enemies will be monsters in the forest.

Creating the monster AI again uses a lot of C# script mostly to make the monsters move around the environment and have it move towards the player to attack. The tutorials also shows you how to add footsteps audio to the monster so that the player can hear the footsteps getting louder as the monster gets closer, again through scripting.

The final tutorial that I watched was a tutorial on how to have the enemies drop loot when the are killed and how to have the loot automatically fly towards the character in the game. I plan to have the enemies in my game drop weapons and such for the character.

To do this it involves even more C# scripting somewhat similar to the script we have done before with our weekly tutorials but it also involves using animation to have the loot bounce and fly towards the character.

While I find using C# script in Unity a challenge following along with these tutorials made it much easier for me to understand.

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