Sunday, November 17, 2019

First Playable of Single Saviour

Last week I started my game in Unity and created the environment for all of my characters. This week I would like to get the last bits of my environment done and add my enemies and the character to the game. I would also like to have the camera set to third person.

The main problems I am having with creating this game are finding free assets that are right for my game, that have the same textures and styles. Many of the assets that I found that would fit with my game cost a bit of money and it would not be worth it for me to spend money on something I will probably only use once.

Screenshot from my game in Unity

Another problem I am having is figuring out C# script which is like coding for a website but it's different enough that it's like learning coding all over again. While I am using tutorials to learn how to script for things I need in my game it is slowing me down every time I make a mistake and it can be very frustrating. Following along with tutorials also only works if the script you're writing actually works in your game. Mainly I am having trouble coding the camera to follow the player.

Screenshot from my game in Unity 

However I feel that once I get past the initial learning stages of scripting it will be a lot easier to finish up my game even if I have to use assets that don't quite fit with the style of my game.


  1. Hi Casper,

    I think I may have found a solution to your problem with this short video:

    I'm also finding it hard to find assets that suit my game, but I think the most important part is the mechanics rather than the aesthetics (although I do know we all want our games to look good).

    I'd also agree with you in saying not to spend any money on assets for this particular game as, as you rightly put it, this might be the only time that the game is actually used.

    I'm also finding myself being slowed down while following tutorials, so you're not alone there! I usually take a 20 minute breather when I run into problems and try to come back to it with fresh eyes.

    Your game is looking brilliant and I can't wait to see how you get on with it.

    All the best,


  2. Hi Casper,

    Your game looks to be coming along great and I'm really impressed by the environment you have built! It's simple but it works very well together and doesnt look too plain which adds a charm to it!

    Have you tried looking up specific free assets in the Unity store? When you type up "Free" and refine your search by typing what specific things you're looking for, eg a building, some things that may help you pop up. If you dont find any suitable ones there, theres also other sites you can download assets from which might be worth looking into!

    I see you're struggling with scripting- which I also struggle a lot with and fail to comprehend. I suggest you copy and paste the script into your game instead? Since we're using existing assets for our game, it's fine to copy and paste your script in from existing code. I've started doing that instead of typing it all out and my progress has gone much faster.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your game!

    - Kay

  3. Hi Casper
    It looks like your game is coming along well. It looks you are putting a lot of work into it.
    I like the use of screenshots it lets me see how your game is coming along and it looks great. The buildings look great and the village looks like something you would see I an actual game.
    I am a bit confused about what that character is on the screenshot. I think it’s an enemy, but I also can’t tell what it looks like.
    That problem your having with the script seems like a bog problem I’m sure if you look it up it will help you figure it out Google is friend. I hope you figure that out.
    I would suggest adding more npc’s in the village so it looks more like a village that has people in it.
    Overall your game looks great and I hope you finish it. Good luck
    Jamie Gannon
