Thursday, February 13, 2020

Unity's Own: Unity Tutorial 03

This weeks tutorial guided us through coding the controls for the truck in our game so that the player can make the truck go forward or backwards, left or right. This was something that I couldn't figure out when making my game last year so having it explained so well step by step from the beginning really helped me to understand where I went wrong.

Screenshot of my Unity Truck Game 

These tutorials also have challenges and quizzes after each unit to test you on what you've learned. The challenges are games with bugs that you have to fix and the quizzes are just simple questions. This units challenge was to fix a plane that that couldn't be controlled and was moving in circles at a fast speed. 

Screenshot of Plan Challenge

I think that these challenges and quizzes really help to solidify the information you've learned over the course of the unit and there are hints available for you if you get stuck on the challenge.  

I'm looking forward to seeing what the other units have in store and what other things I can learn about making games in unity.

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