Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An Introduction About Me You Probably Don't Care About

Image reading Despicable Me from Wikipedia

So this is a story all about how my life went downhill and never stopped.

Talking about myself is not something that I'm very comfortable with but hey lets give it a try anyway. If you have no interest in what I have to say about myself then you can just skip this bit, I won't blame you.

Getting into college was something I didn't think would happen for me but not only did I get into college I made it to my second year, somehow. My college is quite the ways away from my house and I have to take two buses each morning and evening to attend it, but my course is one I really enjoy and the friends I have made keep me coming back again. As last year was my first year it took me a while to get my bearings and I felt that really reflected in my work, so this year I hope to get all my work done to the best standard I can manage. Self discipline has never been something I was good at but no time to learn like the present.

Other then doing college work I also read, draw a lot and of course like any young person I watch a fair amount of Netflix. The genre of books and tv shows/movies I enjoy tends to overlap a good bit as I love sci-fi and fantasy settings in my media. Its just fun to think about all the possibilities of worlds with super advanced technology or magic. The current book I'm reading is Gone by Micheal Grant and even though I'm only half way through it I would recommend it to anyone who also enjoys sci-fi/fantasy. As I said before I also like to draw and paint in my free time and even though I'm not the best at it, it helps me to relax after a stressful day and take my mind off things.

Occasionally I will play video games though there are only two that I really like to play, minecraft and the sims 4, if you have read my other blog posts you’ll know that minecraft is my favourite game but sims is a very close second. I generally don’t play many other games because I can’t afford them or I don’t have the time to invest in them.

Back when I was in secondary school I was never very good at English and while I did pass, it was was a struggle, writing essays was never and never will be my strong suit, so I apologise for the probably lacklustre reviews that I shall be posting here, hopefully with practice I will be able to improve.

There isn’t much more about me that I can talk about so if you read through all this I applaud you and I hope I didn’t bore you too much. Just thought I’d give you a little peek behind the curtain of who runs this blog.


  1. Hi casper
    After reading through your blog I am very interested in what you have to say and I have more of an understanding of what your likes and hobbies are like, which is very interesting to learn i love watching netflix too. I look forward to reading more


  2. Hi Casper

    I just read your blog and was very interested in how you presented it. It was very well presented in my opinion at least and I think you will learn with time that. No one is perfect ,if we were would we even need education the more we progress the more we learn. and overall the more our skills, such as writing get better. Also I love the background design for your blog keep up the good content.


  3. Howdy Casper,

    This post was quite funny and witty which I quite enjoyed hehe. College is something I too never expected attending and I also struggled with English in school so I know how you feel, but hey, you're here now and that's all that matters. I also have to get two buses to get here too and yeah...that ain't fun. But I hope this year goes well for and I look forward to reading more witty blogs. :)

    -Nathan Harte

  4. Hola casper my man!
    Even though we are so close I still feel like I've learnt something about you from reading this post! you will absolutely get better with practice (trust me I'm nervous too).
    Anyway, enjoy your minecraft!


  5. Well a good day to you Casper.

    Your introduction blog about yourself was excellent I must say. It was very formal, very interesting and I learned a lot more about yourself of course. I do say the likes of Minecraft and the Sims are truly very enjoyable to play indeed and it is always fun to play a game where you are given control as to what you want to make as they are stupendous. Might I say I do love me a lot of Fantasy and Sci-fi stuff much lie yourself. I do look forward to reading more of your blogs. My hat goes off to you.



  6. Hi Casper,

    I feel like I learnt a lot about you that I didnt know by reading your blog- I didn't expect to get into college either (self doubt and insecurity woooo!) but here we are! I relate to you, I'm terrible with talking about myself in things like this too and will absolutely avoid it unless I really have to.
    Also, great choice of games, I'm such a sucker for The Sims. I'm notorious for putting fictional characters I love into The Sims and doing some.. shipping activity.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your blogs!

    - Kay

  7. Hi Casper,

    I can definitely relate with you when it comes to self-doubting about getting into college! We are in second year now though so we must be doing something right. I'm glad that you found people that motivate you to come into college and that you're enjoying the course. Our journey to college definitely isn't fun so don't worry, I feel your pain.

    You're doing well with your blogs so I wouldn't worry about it at all, we're all new to this blogging world! I look forward to reading more of your blogs and learning more about you!


  8. Hey Caper,
    wow two buses to college I have to get one and I hate it hahaha fair play I feel like everyone has self doubt but we just have to keep moving I also love drawing it is really relaxing and also watching Netflix but who doesn't watch Netflix I have played minecraft and can understand why you like it anyway I loved reading your blog hope to read more from you soon.

  9. Hello Casper. I just read your introduction and I really enjoyed learning more about you. I agree with you regarding first year, I found it to be stressful myself and adapting to the changing enviroment of college is not the easiest. I have never heard of Gone but from how you have described it, it must be a very good read to get invested into.

  10. Hello Caper

    This introduction post was well put together, was interesting to read and it was a good way for me to get to know you. Yeah life never expects to go the way you think but it’s good now that you’re in college. I also do love the sims and I find addicting it’s something you can sucked into easily.

    Jamie Gannon

  11. Hi Casper, I dont think that your english was bad at all, if anything very professional lol. Its cool that you enjoy playing games, and especially how you like mince craft because I used to love it.
    Its good that you enjoy college now and have settled in and having good friends makes it a lot more enjoyable! -Katie Persson

  12. Hi Casper,

    I really enjoyed learning more about you! Wow your commute to college sounds like a hike, fair play. I like how you use drawing and painting as a way to relax. I also do this but I'm not good at all. I don't really play many video games either but I used to love Sims when I was younger! ,I think this blog was really well written so don't be worrying about your English skills!

    I look forward to reading more.

